2025 Massachusetts ALA Resource Guide
This document was originally published on Linked In. View the Full Document Here.
Here at the Massachusetts Assisted Living Association (Mass-ALA), we want to help consumers who are looking for an assisted living residence better understand their options. The Massachusetts Assisted Living Resource Guide does just that.
In these pages, you will find Frequently Asked Questions about assisted living in Massachusetts; payment information, a comprehensive directory of assisted living residences, including which residences offer special care for people with memory loss, dementia, or other special needs; and a list of providers participating in subsidized programs. For your convenience, the certified assisted living residences are also indexed alphabetically by city or town.
Beginning on page 29, there are descriptions of each assisted living residence in alphabetical order.
Each residence listing contains a descriptive paragraph, a list of services and amenities, and financial information to help you determine if a particular residence is appropriate for your needs. The back section of this guide contains a glossary of terms, a list of all Mass-ALA Management Company members, and a list of all Mass-ALA Business Partners by their business category.
Inclusion in this directory does not represent any form of accreditation by Mass-ALA. However, all of the residence listings with full pages are members and, therefore, benefit from the educational programs and publications offered to promote quality assisted living in Massachusetts.
We hope this resource guide will assist you in finding the new community that’s just right for you or your loved one. Please visit our website at www.mass-ala.org for more information.
Mass-ALA Staff