Tag Archive for: Part D Choice

Let the Secret out by Expanding Older Adults Access to PACE

This article was originally posted on Kevin MD. Read the full article here.

PACE, the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, has long been considered the best-kept secret in the American health care system. It’s time to unveil this hidden gem. The health and well-being of older Americans – and the future of our health care system itself – may hinge on it.

Originating nearly half a century ago with the On Lok program in San Francisco’s Chinatown, the PACE model has since expanded to encompass 155 independent, locally-based PACE organizations. These organizations serve over seventy thousand older Americans across urban and rural communities in thirty-two states and the District of Columbia.

The growth of the PACE model has been methodical and deliberate, with a focus on maintaining its quality and integrity as new PACE providers enter the market. Multiple evaluations of the PACE model consistently demonstrate superior health, mood, functionality, survival rates, and utilization outcomes compared to alternative, unmanaged approaches. PACE not only benefits its patient population but also extends its advantages to families and caregivers.

However, as impressive and deliberate as the growth of PACE has been, the model currently serves only a fraction of the growing demographic in need. It is estimated that there are over ten million older Americans clinically eligible for PACE. To provide greater access to PACE, policy and statutory changes are required. The good news is that these changes are within reach.

I’ve been fortunate to work within the PACE model for over twenty-five years, assuming roles such as a front-line primary care provider, medical director, and national leader mentoring other PACE clinicians, and guiding the growth of the PACE model. For a geriatrician, PACE is akin to nirvana. I can’t envision practicing in any other setting.

There is often a misconception that geriatric medicine should care for all older adults. However, this task demands the mobilization and support of a primary care workforce consisting of family physicians, internists, and nurse practitioners, a workforce currently under significant pressure. Geriatric medicine is designed to serve a specific but costly segment of the older population – those with medical and social complexity who require long-term care services and support. In other words, geriatric medicine, much like PACE, serves older adults who need assistance with their daily activities.

Older Americans overwhelmingly express a preference for having their long-term care needs met in their homes and communities rather than in institutional settings. Nonetheless, our health care system is designed to cater to the system’s needs rather than those of complex, disabled older patients. How else can we explain the fragmentation, the reliance on technology and high-cost utilization, and the expectation that family members shuttle their loved ones from one brief office-based appointment to another?

PACE flips this paradigm on its head by structuring care around the needs of patients, reallocating resources from excessive institutional utilization to social, functional, and nutritional determinants of health. PACE operates as a managed care model, receiving all-inclusive capitated financing from the Medicare and Medicaid programs and assuming responsibility for the delivery and costs of all care. Nothing is excluded. Nothing is carved out. PACE represents a shining example of managed care done right.

The PACE model revolves around two key operational features: the PACE center, which combines the features of a social day program and a full-service clinic, and the PACE interdisciplinary team. PACE teams comprise nurses, social workers, physical, occupational, and recreational therapists, registered dietitians, drivers, personal care and home care workers, center managers, chaplains, pharmacists, and primary care providers, with the older adult and their caregivers at the core.

As a geriatrician, I am a critical member of the PACE team, but I am not the team’s boss. The team functions as a non-hierarchical collective, conducting periodic and formal assessments, engaging in ongoing communication, collaboration, and problem-solving, and crafting and delivering finely calibrated, flexible, individualized care plans. Importantly, PACE is not a brokered model: every member of the PACE team not only participates in the care-planning process but also provides direct care.

The PACE model allows me to draw on my full range of training, skills, and experience as a geriatric generalist. I have a manageable panel of patients that I care for across the entire continuum of care, and at any moment, I can draw on the resources and expertise of my inter-professional colleagues on the PACE team. I am responsible for managing chronic medical conditions and episodic problems, and I have the time and support to address them, consulting my specialist colleagues only when I have a specific question or problem requiring their expertise.

I see my patients at the PACE Center, where our drivers transport them from home for a full day of social and physical activities. Our staff can pick up on subtle changes in function and behavior that are often the only signs of an emerging health crisis, which might otherwise lead patients to the emergency department. I also make house calls to patients who prefer the comfort of their own homes or who are nearing the end of life. I serve as the attending physician when my patients are hospitalized or admitted to a skilled nursing facility for a short stay. In summary, I operate a concierge practice for the most complex and high-needs older patients in our healthcare system.

To be eligible for PACE, one must be 55 years of age or older and meet clinical criteria for nursing home care. Nationally, over 87 percent of PACE enrollees are dually eligible, meeting criteria based on age or disability for Medicare and, due to financial constraints, for Medicaid. Of the remaining 13 percent, the majority qualify for Medicaid due to their financial status but are ineligible for Medicare for various reasons. Only a small number of current PACE enrollees solely have Medicare, with assets and income exceeding the Medicaid eligibility threshold. Nevertheless, this population is growing and urgently requires healthcare delivery solutions.

Broadly speaking, there are three strategies to expand access to PACE: scaling, spreading, and serving new populations. With the support of the National PACE Association’s 2.0 project, PACE plans are scaling up significantly, transitioning from boutique-sized programs to larger ones with approximately 1,000 members. These larger programs are better positioned to expand access and achieve sustainable economies of scale while preserving the intimacy that makes PACE successful. Concurrently, access to PACE is spreading. States like Kentucky and Ohio, which previously did not adopt PACE or restricted its growth, are now advocating for PACE as a statewide solution. In contrast, Michigan has enlisted provider organizations across the state, offering older adults in Michigan nearly universal access to PACE.

However, to serve the Medicare-only, PACE-eligible population, statutory relief is essential. PACE plans offer comprehensive prescription drug benefits as Medicare Part D providers, submitting actuarially vetted bids to Medicare for annual approval. Nonetheless, because PACE serves a uniformly medically complex population with high pharmacy needs that require extensive support for medication safety and adherence, PACE Part D premiums tend to be considerably higher than what a Medicare beneficiary can acquire on the open market. Medicare-only beneficiaries eligible for PACE are already required to pay out-of-pocket premiums equal to the PACE Medicaid capitation. The additional PACE Part D premium often constitutes a prohibitive barrier to PACE enrollment. Fortunately, recent bipartisan and bicameral legislation introduced in Congress aims to lower this barrier. The PACE Part D Choice Act will allow Medicare-only beneficiaries to purchase prescription drug coverage on the open market if they wish, an option currently disallowed.

PACE isn’t suitable for everyone. It’s a voluntary program designed exclusively for disabled, vulnerable older adults with medical and social complexity. Not all those eligible for PACE will choose it. However, every older American eligible for PACE should have access to that opportunity. With a little push, PACE can be available in every neighborhood, county, and rural community. The health of older Americans may well depend on it. Let’s reveal this secret.

Adam Burrows is a geriatrician.

Senators introduce bill to lower prescription costs for seniors with chronic illnesses

This article was originally posted on The Hill. Read the full article here.

Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.) on Wednesday introduced a bill that would allow people enrolled in the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) to choose their prescription drug plan under Medicare Part D and save more in monthly medication costs.

PACE is a Medicare/Medicaid program that provides medical and social services through a team of health care professionals which enrollees have regular access to, with the aim of avoiding placement in a nursing home.

PACE enrollees are currently required to get their Medicare Part D-covered medications through the program. Joining another Medicare prescription drug plan means being unenrolled from PACE benefits.

Carper and Cassidy’s bill, the PACE Part D Choice Act, would allow PACE beneficiaries to enroll in stand-alone prescription drug plans not operated through the program. This would also make beneficiaries eligible for prescription drug plans subject to the $2,000 annual cap that was instituted by the Inflation Reduction Act earlier this year.

The legislation, if passed, would require that PACE inform beneficiaries of their options for prescription drug plans outside of the program and help facilitate enrollment.

“PACE participants in Delaware and across our nation are dealing with rising prescription drug costs every time they need a refill for their live-saving medications. It makes no sense that these older Americans cannot choose which Medicare Part D plan makes the most financial sense for them,” Carper said in a statement.

Cassidy, a physician, said the bill would ensure that PACE beneficiaries have the “same access to lower premiums and affordable prescription drugs that lead to better health outcomes as those in other Medicare programs.”

Under the current rules, PACE beneficiaries have an average monthly premium of $1,015.03, according to the lawmakers. The senators estimated their bill would save PACE participants an average of $972.03 a month on prescription drugs, resulting in an average monthly payment of $43.

The lawmakers are aiming to pass the bill during the current lame-duck session, with the legislation designed to go into effect beginning on Jan. 1, 2023.

The Carper-Cassidy bill isn’t the only legislation seeking to reduce prescription drug costs that is in play during the lame-duck session.

A bill introduced by Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) earlier this year aimed at reducing insulin costs could potentially move forward before the next Congress is sworn in next year.

Congress is also under pressure by medical groups to waive the 4 percent cut in Medicare payments to physicians that is scheduled to go into effect starting next year under the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) Act of 2010, which requires that new legislation not increase projected deficits.

The PAYGO cut was suspended by Congress with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, but this pause is set to expire beginning next year without additional action.

Prescription relief leaves out PACE participants; lets change that

This article was originally posted on Mcknights Home Care. Read the full article here.

Among the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act is a cap on out-of-pocket spending on Part D prescriptions for Medicare beneficiaries. The legislation sets the cap at $2,000 annually. This is a positive step toward reducing the healthcare burden for seniors generally. However, it inadvertently leaves out similar protections for beneficiaries who wish to be served by Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). This is at a time when many seniors as well as state governments are realizing PACE’s potential to change the paradigm of senior care.

This is more of a technical oversight than a policy intent. Unlike all other Part D plans, PACE does not charge co-pays or deductibles for prescriptions. Instead, Medicare beneficiaries’ payments for their drug coverage are in the form of the monthly premium they pay to the PACE program. Because the Inflation Reduction Act aims to limit the expense of Part D coverage by capping co-pays and deductibles, PACE participants, whose expense for coverage is entirely based on the premium they pay, won’t have the same cost protection benefits as other Medicare beneficiaries.

Fortunately, legislation has already been introduced in Congress that would assure Medicare beneficiaries in PACE have the same Part D cost protections. The National PACE Association urges passage of the PACE Part D Choice Act, which would allow Medicare-only PACE participants to choose a Part D plan offered by their PACE organization or a marketplace Part D plan. The marketplace Part D plan would be more affordable and include the $2,000 out of pocket cost protections being put forward by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

We are confident that by passing the PACE Part D Plan Choice bill Congress can finish the job and achieve its goal of reducing the cost of prescription drugs for all individuals covered by Medicare.

PACE programs use an interdisciplinary team approach to keep older Americans with long-term care needs healthy and cared for around the clock, while living independently in their own homes. PACE enrollees typically receive care at home; utilize a PACE center for socializing, medication management and physician visits; transportation to the PACE center and other appointments; and any other care or service needed to maintain their highest level of functioning.

PACE is a proven model of care, one that costs states and individuals less than nursing home care and allows participants to remain independent and cared for while living in their own homes.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, PACE organizations were able to continue caring for the older adults in their program, keeping them safe and well at home. In fact, PACE participants, who require a level of care comparable to older adults in a nursing home, experienced a COVID-19 infection rate and a COVID-19 death rate that was one-third the rate of nursing homes.

The Inflation Reduction Act will benefit many millions of Medicare covered individuals; we urge passage of the PACE Part D Choice Act so that PACE participants are not overlooked.